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photo by Gary Hoyle (used with permission) |
Somewhere along the line, the railroad was changed and run
into our valley in about the same area where we first entered the valley around
the curve in the road, it then continued east to a point about one-and-a-half
or two miles from our place. A grade was cleared through a section diagonally
to about one-half mile from our place, but this part was never used. We were
now able to ship by the carload without too much trouble providing we had a
One incident, which I shall always remember, related to the
railroad, occurred when Dad decided to take a pig to market to get some ready
cash. This particular car was a double end arrangement – passengers and motorman
on each end with a freight compartment in the center.
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via Wikimedia Commons |
One of the operators, probably the conductor, approached Dad
and informed him that he could not ship a live pig to market in their vehicle.
Of course Dad refused this argument because he needed the money and this was
the best and easiest way to get the pig to town. The conductor then contacted
the motorman to get his help in handling the situation. The motorman didn’t
help their cause in anyway and they then proceeded to return the crated pig to
our wagon, which was still backed up to the freight doors. I was standing in
the wagon close to the seat holding the reins in case the horses spooked at all
the yelling going on. Suddenly, one of those guys literally flew out of the
door, missed the wagon entirely and landed in the dirt alongside the rear wagon
wheel. I jumped into the compartment to see what was going on. The other guy
was setting on the floor against the far wall with his hands over the stomach
area of his anatomy. Dad took his pig to town. I drove the team home and
reported to Mama. I shall mention this railroad in future additions since from
now on, it was part of our lives.
Race with the
I’ve been debating with myself when I should records this
story. I promised you on previous pages that I would bring it up at a later
date, but I’ve never been sure of the right time since it doesn’t relate to
anything much at this point, and much of it is vague. It concerned a baseball
game and I’ve wondered why Colonel wasn’t involved because he was quite
interested in playing the game.
via Wikimedia Commons |
I couldn’t say a word for some time after I got home, just
too scared I guess. I think I know now why other events seem so vague since
they were all secondary to the run with the coyotes.
Things were beginning to change somewhat as we were starting
to get a few things that would help ease the hard labor.
Uncle Andy’s Lamp
First I want to mention Uncle Andy’s lamp. As explained
above, all we had was kerosene lanterns and lamps, and at best they gave a very
dim light. The lamp that Uncle got was about twice the size of most lamps, and
it had a double mantle in it. I have no idea what kind of fuel it burned, but I
suspect it was gasoline. Gasoline was being used to some extent, but few people
knew what it was and probably didn’t care. This lamp gave a brilliant white
light and when placed on a center table, it could light up a room well enough to
read almost anywhere. One trouble, the mantles were so delicate that if the
lamp was moved or jarred, the mantles would break. Lots of people visited just
to see that lamp. {In 1914, William Coleman launched the Coleman Company}
Washing Machine
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1911 Maytag |
One of the first things Mama got to ease her labors was a
washing machine. There was one thing Colonel and I found out real quick was
that the contraption certainly wasn’t a labor saving device for us. It was made
to run by advancing and withdrawing a wooden lever on the side of the tub.
Operating this lever caused the rise and fall of three or four cups in the tub
to push and then suck water and soap through clothing thereby eliminating soil,
gravy and maybe cow manure from the fabric. The thing worked fine as long as
there was just water in the tub, but when clothing was added a lot of
opposition was placed on the muscle of young tender boys, but we fought
it through and lived to tell about the rough life. The wringer was about as
bad, but it sure helped Mama out a lot in her hard and busy life.
Kerosene Stove
As I told you, the summers were extremely hot, so Dad and Mama
bought a kerosene burning stove. I believe it had three burners with a round
wick. The stove didn’t have an oven, but it did have a warming oven, so any
baking was don had to be done with the wood (coal) burning Home Comfort Range.
The kerosene stove could be moved outside for better ventilation in the
Dad also acquired some labor-saving equipment. Some of this
material was purchased in partnership with Mack Stocker, Uncle Andy and even
Charlie Stephenson, whose place joined ours on the east. The manure spreader
was an example of such equipment. Before we acquired this piece of equipment,
the stuff had to be loaded onto a wagon by pitchfork. We usually used a
four-tined fork for this purpose. When the load had been transported to a field
it was again forked over the side and spread upon the ground. The spreader had
a movable apron which the driver could operate from his seat at the front end
of the load by engaging a number of gears, causing the apron to rotate toward
the rear of the spreader. A rotating cylinder was also engaged, causing the
material to practically fly out the back and spread evenly on the field. You got
rid of the shoveling off but never the shoveling on. The potato planter,
digger, sorter, wheat drill, and corn drill were other examples of community
We had a couple of plows: one single bottom and one double
bottom, a couple of mowing machines, a hay rake and two or three cultivators –
one pulled by one horse and one pulled by two horses. This one could cultivate
two or more rows.
from 1937 Plattsburgh, Missouri paper |
The derrick was on our property, I believe, but was used by
Mack and Uncle Andy because the dragging distance was not over one-half mile
and four to six horses could handle it easily.
Besides the above equipment, we had the following rolling
stock: the lumber wagon, drawn by two or more horses; buck board, drawn by two
horses; two-seated hack with the fringe on top, drawn by two horses and a
one-seated buggy with shafts; one horse harness for three teams and harness for
buggy horse.
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via Wikimedia Commons |
Before meals, especially when she was feeding a crew, Mama
would have Colonel and me go to the corn field and pull several suckers from
the main corn stocks. With these, we would drive many flies outside, but could
not eliminate them entirely; so we continued to get them in our soup, coffee or
I know the above is a disgusting subject, but they were
there. It did happen and I hate the things.
The war in Europe was still in progress and was heating up
to some extent. I know that Colonel and I worried some because we thought it
possible that Dad may have to go if we became involved. At this point, we didn’t
know too much about the situation over there; but some of the young men we had
known earlier were prepared and were talking seriously about it.
I think it was about this time that Uncle Jim Youker showed
up and stayed a few days. He was my mother’s only brother. We liked him very
much because he had a lot of stories and was a sort of worldly individual.
Mining had been his principal occupation from about the age of 12. That was the
last time we saw him or received a word from him. Although Aunt Maude and Aunt
Gertie spend considerable time and money in an endeavor to locate their
brother, it has been assumed that he was in the service, but never returned. No
Records exist. {I have found a record of James registering for the draft on September 12, 1918. He named his closest relative as being Mrs. Elizabeth Jackson (friend). He married Inez (probably Elizabeth, perhaps abbreviated Eliz and misread by the extractor) Jackson on September 25, 1918, in Payette, Idaho. If he served during the war, he survived because he and Elizabeth were living in Boise at the time the 1920 federal census was taken. Beyond that, I've found nothing.}
[I must explain that these people and perhaps other often
changed their name. For what purposes I certainly don’t know. Mother’s name on
her marriage certificate was Johnson. When we questioned her about this, she
explained that her father changed his name to Johnson when he joined the Union
army. Both Aunt Gertie and Aunt Maude had other names they went by
at various times. So, it could be that James Youker did the same thing. I’m
guessing here, something I vowed not to do in the preparation of this
narrative. J.]
We continued to do about the same things I’ve been telling
you about. We ate, slept, worked and went to school in season. If I recall, the
war in Europe didn’t seem to have much effect on the farmer. I know Dad raised
lots of potatoes and wheat, but I can’t recall the dividends he may have
received from this produce. Much of our produce was shipped to eastern markets
and a lot of bad things happened on its way back there.
I believe it was May 1917 that the U S of A entered the war. {President Woodrow Wilson requested a declaration of war from Congress on April 2, 1917. On April 4th, Congress granted his request.}
I don’t know if Colonel or I noticed or knew that Mama was
going to have a baby. I know mama didn’t feel well most of the time. The
weather was extremely hot and she continued to do her usual chores. I don’t
know if it was about this time or later that our doctor told us that Mama
needed some rest.
to be continued ...

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