What I know, and what I don't. As time goes on and I attempt to document the lives of my ancestors, I feel pretty good about what I know. I also realize how much there is still to discover. This is the case with Mary Jane Clark. I've been lost in a two-hour search to find out more about her family and her life. I've picked up some new information, but I could spend days (or years) seeking satisfaction. So, here is what I know.
Mary Jane was born on June 17, 1831, in Oxford Township, Delaware County, Ohio. Her parents were Isaac Rumsey and Clarissa (Gale) Clark, who married in Oxford Township in about 1830, where Isaac had lived for about 15 years. Mary Jane was their first child. She was also called Molly. It is said they had a total of twelve children, but I have only been able to document eight, so far.
On April 7, 1859, Mary Jane married Edgar Lansing Morgan, in Delaware County, Ohio. Edgar's mother, Sabrina (Merry) Morgan had married a man named Jacob Kesler there and moved to Burlington, Wisconsin.
According to both Edgar's and Mary Jane's obituaries, they also went to Burlington, Wisconsin, in 1864 or 1865. However, they seem to have moved between Page County, Iowa, and Lincoln Township, Nodaway County, Missouri, because, they're enumerated in those place in 1870 and 1880, respectively. Edgar died in Nodaway County, near Elmo, in 1889, but is buried in the Blanchard Cemetery in Page County, Iowa.

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